Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 3 Vancouver Sun Run

This is what needs to be done this week for the Vancouver Sun Run Training Clinic.

Sun Run InTraining Clinic Leader 2009 Network
Coaching - Week 3 already!
Week #3 already…How’s it going? Warmer temperature this week in most places, and at least in the Lower Mainland most of the snow has melted...Hope it's flying by and you're feeling great about the progress your participants have made.
*Make sure you check out your Coaching Tips in the Documents section here in your SportMed Leader Community, and Nordic Walk Leaders please click here.
Remember you will still have newcomers to the program this week, so take care to help them with a gradual entry to the program according to your Clinic Coordinator’s direction. It’s important that they don’t try to catch up to everyone in Week 3 all at once.
My suggestion is this:
Walk10K and Run10KFasters should be OK with the workout as it is, as long as you help them stay conscious of what it means to be at a “brisk” pace relative to their “talking” pace. We don’t want them working too hard. As always, slower is better.
LearnToRun10K groups are already up to *3 minutes of shuffling this week: It’s TOO LONG for those newcomers. Have them alternate only *1 minute of shuffling with *1 minute of walking while the others do their 3 minutes of shuffling. Keep the group together by looping. The pace should be such that the newcomers are walking as fast as the others are shuffling anyway. If not, SLOW THEM DOWN!
Remember from Leader Training? The secret to success is pacing... Click here to jog that memory!
My spies out there are telling me the groups are not necessarily staying together, particularly in the RunFaster groups. BE VOCAL. LET PARTICIPANTS KNOW WHEN THE RUN PORTION BEGINS, HOW MUCH TIME HAS GONE BY WHILE THEY ARE RUNNING (IE. “1 MINUTE TO GO!”) SO THEY HAVE A BETTER IDEA OF HOW LONG THEY NEED TO KEEP THEIR PACE BRISK, and let participants know when the recovery jog is happening.
Keep good track of the intervals. If you are having trouble staying in sync as leaders, then designate ONE LEADER in charge of the timing in the group, while the other is there for support and encouragement.
Use those intervals to stay together.
Those participants that have been with you since Week #1 may have legs that will be feeling tired and heavy. This would be understandable! Volume and intensity have been increasing each week, and you can remind them it takes time for the body to adapt to the changing demands of the program. They need to stay focused and persevere through all three weekly sessions. Tell them NEXT week will be a nice easy, rest and recovery week with easier sessions…they’ll love you for it!
Consider taking a break from the pavement or asphalt if possible. The softer terrain will be more forgiving on those tired legs. Seek out a park with softer trails. Those of you that are in the snow should be OK. That snow acts as a nice cushion. If you’ve got icy roads, try to walk or run on the snow that’s along the shoulder.
One more suggestion for this week: Consider purchasing a Sport Watch to help you keep track of those interval times in the workouts. You don’t need anything fancy: They are not too expensive and last a good long while. The most important functions you need are the “stop-watch” and “repeat countdown timer”: All of the intervals in the program are of course repeats of one minute, so that when that watch beeps for you every minute, you’ll easily be able to keep track of those intervals. If you’re unsure of how many you’ve done, then all you have to do is glance down at the REAL time once in a while and you can easily figure it out. Trust me; I’ve been doing this for YEARS now. It’s too much work to have to look down at your watch all the time, especially if you’re wearing winter clothing. Plus if you’re anything like me, it’s hard to SEE the darn thing these days!
Keep it going gang! Remind participants they should be PROUD of themselves for making the changes in their regular routine to fit this program into their lives. Encourag them to record their workouts and how they are feeling.

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