Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 2 Vancouver Sun Run

Here is what needs to be done for week 2.

Coaching - Week 2: On Your Way!

“Whether you can, or you cannot, you are right in either case.”
-Henry Ford

Congratulations! Week 1 is under your belts! No doubt you’ll have more participants this week as registration continues - the more-the-merrier! New participants can jump into the program as is this week - Just take care to keep everyone at that nice easy talking pace.

Coordinators: Please encourage your Leaders to take the steps to log in to the SportMed Leader Community.
Leaders: If this finds you, well done!

Weekly Coaching Tips: It's very important to have a look at each week’s Coaching Tips in the Documents section for my weekly advice specific to each program. You’ll find it will give you a focus for both you AND your participants, specific for the group you are leading.

LOOP! Please make sure all participants are supported, and the looping technique must be reinforced right now, especially as you’ll have new participants this week. Everyone needs to know what to expect.

“Pacing is everything.” Recall Leader Training? Keep it on the SLOW side please. Participants in all programs should always feel they could have done more.

Draw attention to the Logbook: Great information and great motivation. Encourage your participants to be accountable to themselves and USE those logbooks!
The toughest part of any exercise program is making that initial commitment. Advise participants to schedule in workout times, and stick to it. Also encourage them to evenly distribute the training sessions throughout the course of each week. For example, a weekend session plus Tuesdays and Thursdays often works well.

WEATHER: I just heard this morning that the weather man is calling for snow again in some areas! Take care to stay safe.
Reinforce the fact that a little rough weather is no reason to miss a session. With a little caution and proper athletic clothing for protection from the elements, there is no reason to use weather as an excuse not to complete a session. In fact, in really awful conditions, once you’re out in it (and no one else is!) it can be fun just because it’s a little crazy and you’re doing something positive for yourself. If the conditions are truly intolerable, suggest to participants that they search out a treadmill at the gym, or simply do the running on the spot, inside, watching a TV show, as boring as that may be.

No doubt your shoe talks are scheduled with Alliance Athletics. Without a doubt the most important equipment participants need right now is a pair of good supportive running or walking shoes. If participants have not already purchased shoes have them search out the nearest specialty running store. They should allow 30-40 minutes to be properly fitted. Have them bring along their old footwear, so that the experts can analyze their tread and review their gait and foot type. The athletic footwear world has become very specialized with shoes to accommodate any foot. I encourage everyone to treat themselves, and buy the best shoes they can afford. You won’t regret spending the extra money because you’ll be more comfortable and have less chance of injury.

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