Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Hello from Today

My name is Kurt and I am a runner. I am other things too like a father, husband, friend, coach, jerk, enemy, son, brother, uncle and the list goes on. I am best known as a runner though. I am 43 years old and found my passion for running when I was 34. I have run in all sorts or races from short 5K's to a marathon. I am a big guy so the longer the run the more it hurts.

I used to keep a journal for my own personal satisfaction. Now it seems I need an outlet where I can invite people into my life and share my thoughts with and get some reaction. I have plans for myself for the future but sometimes need some guidance. I hope you can help.

My wife Cathy is a great inspiration to me. She has kept me grounded and sane. She offers me insights for my life. She sometimes does not understand me and that's ok. We all have our moments where we are missunderstood. We are quite happy together. Been together for 20 years and married for 17 years this month. She is not a runner but she seems to understand that I need to run. Thank goodness she is the way she is.

I have two kids. Emily and Riley. They are both great kids. They definately have personality differences. One is quite outgoing and the other is very reserved.

I will get into my family more if they consent, as my Blog continues.

I am currently training for a mountain running race in June, July, August and September and am doing some off road and high trail runs to prepare. Finding it tough on the old body but pushing myself harder than usual. I really want to do good at these races lately. I have found a space in me that wants to compete really hard and be the best I can be at running. Don't get me wrong. I want the best for me in all parts of my life but for some reason running is really important to me.

I am a running coach. I teach adults how to progress into runners from scratch. I have taught well over 500 people over the years. Some have stayed with the sport. Others have gone back to where they started. Most of my friends are runners. We run for comfort, we run for joy, we run in sadness and we share a lot. I usually run with a group of ladies who sometimes call themselves Kurts Angels (on a good day I guess). We have all been together for three or four years. We are all from different backgrounds and lifestyles but we all have running in common.

Let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you.

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